dimanche 27 avril 2008

European Seminar 2008

Strasbourg - Kehl - Brussels

Call it "intelligent holidays" ;-) ! ... Last week we (my study mates, a group of students from Germany and I) attended a "European Seminar". We spent the 2 first days here in Strasbourg and Kehl (Germany) before going to Brussels where we had the opportunity to visit the European Institutions. The workshops and conferences we attended were very interesting, but because of the huge lack of sleep we all had, it was sometimes hard to stay concentrated... Brussel is a "nice" city, but far away from being "breathtaking"... Our hotel was located quite far away from the city center, so we spent our evenings (and nights) playing "Taboo" and chatting in our rooms or running across the city looking for the right subway station ;-)

Pictures... :

Departure, Wednesday morning, 6.30...

Sleeping people...

Arrival in Brussels :

With my study mates...

European Commission, Gaëlle & Olivia

Flags at the entrance

Conference about the Lisbon Treaty...

Cécile, proud to be "Suomi" :-) ...

"My" country :

Switzerland goes European...

My roommates, "Gazou", Cécile and "Miss Bogota" ;-)

Playing Taboo at the hotel...

Conferences "early in the morning"...

Sightseeing: Belgian Royal Palace :

"Maneken Pis", wearing Tibetan clothes :

... making fun of Maneken Pis ...

"Sighsteeing Crew"...

Shopping mall :

Belgian Fashion:

Have you been hugged today? "Free Hugs" in Brussels

"Fritland": French Fries Country :-)

Last night in Brussels - Thai Restaurant

Going home... ("Merci" again to the people who took this picture...)

1 commentaire:

Änn a dit…

nice pics, I see you had a great time.
